Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dreams always come true

Dreams always come true
By K Ball
from England, UK

Before reading or even hearing about The Secret I had always lived by it. I always thought (constantly) about what I wanted, and thanked God every day for the things that I had and had achieved, no matter how big or small. I knew I had the power to do anything I wanted and that the world, the universe, and my life were all controlled by me. When I spoke to people or watched people on television who went into space talking about how "insignificant" they felt against the image of Earth, I always disagreed and thought, "No. It makes me feel like the most powerful thing in the Universe. And WOW! I created that Earth the way it is today."

I was never the "top student" at school, and teachers very often had no faith in me as I was so quiet and never answered questions in class, etc. But my Mum always helped me to keep my own faith, and she told me I could do anything I wanted if I put my mind to it. I could achieve greatness and wealth no matter what anybody else said or thought about me.

Then when I was 15 I started to learn French at school. I found people who spoke foreign languages truly amazing, so I really really wanted to be able to do it myself. I quickly became the top student in French, and my teacher was always praising me for my work and my new-found ability in speaking a foreign language. I loved it so much that I carried on studying it at my A levels, and also picked up Spanish.
Despite flying high in all lessons and quickly gaining fluency in both French and Spanish, people around me, especially my friends, laughed at me and said I would never do anything with languages. But that didn't faze me. I believed in myself and had thoughts and dreams about myself in the future and how rich and successful I would become. I dreamt of my giant houses all over the world and my famous businesses. Anyway, I never let go of those dreams and thought about them every day. I didn't know how I would achieve my greatness and success, I just knew I would.

Then my mum found a German course in the paper free to under 18's, so without any hesitation I went and again quickly began to pick up the language. A lot of my friends were going out and partying at night and at weekends, but for some reason that never appealed to me, and learning my languages was all I would do. I didn't even realise how much studying I was doing, but it made me happy when I would go abroad and speak to others who knew my languages.

When I finished my A levels and had to decide what to do next, all my friends got jobs and were all earning money, and they would say to me how much they were earning and what they were buying. At first it made me want to get a job, but something in my mind sent me to university, where I continued my studies in foreign languages. I was struggling with money, but I never let it upset me. I had to pay for books and petrol to get me to uni every day, and my bank balance wasn't looking too good.

After taking my exams in the first year, for the first time in my life I began to think, is it worth it? Am I ever going to get where I want to get? Should I just quit and get a job like everyone else and live a normal life? I had a part time job but it was nothing special.

I was looking in all the papers at the job advertisements, but then I got my exam results back. I got 100% in all my exams in the first year. They came at just the right time, and I thought, Wow! I can do whatever I want. I am special, I will get to where I want to get.

Then I heard Oprah Winfrey talking about The Secret on one of her shows, and I ordered it from the Internet that same day and read it in a weekend. It made me think back on all the times in my life when I felt like I had a gift of power. I thought, I can do it, I can have the house of my dreams and I will have successful businesses - I don't know how but I will.

After finishing the book I thought all day long about my huge mansion in the countryside with an indoor and an outdoor pool, animals running round everywhere, hundreds of acres of land and a vision of me sitting in a luxury study in my house sitting at a desk writing a book.

I thought no more of it until I was on my way to my part time job that night. Suddenly, out of nowhere an idea about a children's book - teaching them foreign languages - came to me. It was an amazing idea and I couldn't believe I thought of it. The universe was helping me achieve my dreams.

That evening whilst at work I got talking to a colleague who I'd never spoken to before. It turned out he was studying French at A level and wasn't doing too well. He had heard me talking about my 100% pass at uni and wondered if I'd tutor him. "I'll give you £20 ($40) an hour," he said. Willingly I set up a lesson, and after a few lessons he said one of his friends wanted me to teach her as well. I also placed an advert on the Internet advertising my services as a language tutor, and within a month I had acquired 9 students who were all giving me £20 an hour. I was getting £180 ($360) a week for 9 hours work! The universe obviously didn't want me to quit university. I also started writing my series of children's books teaching Spanish and I sent the first draft to a publisher who, to my surprise, said they would be happy to publish my book. That was a month ago, and I'm now in my second year of uni and the publisher has given me all the time I need to complete a series of 8 books, and then they'll publish them. My dreams are unravelling all from a single thought. Every day I tell myself I'll be rich in no time at all. All my students I teach are getting great grades at school, and it makes me happy to know that they're happy. I've also started to do a bit of translating to add to my income, and all my old friends from school are shocked by my earning power at just 19 years old. But I don't gloat about it, and they're all really happy for me.

I know that in a few years time I'll be writing on this web page about how I have my house and my businesses and all my dreams have come true.

I love telling people my story and they love to hear it, and it has pushed more and more of my students to continue with their studies in foreign languages. I tell them to never give up on their dreams, the Universe and God are here to help us and what greater power can we need. I also enjoy helping other students at uni overcome their problems in all areas of life through positive thinking and the law of attraction, and I have become a sort of "spiritual agony uncle". But I never dwell on their negative thoughts, as I know they'll attract more. I help them to see what good things they already have in their lives, and they always leave me with a smile and a look of amazement on their faces, almost as if they've been given a new life. I want to help others all my life through positivity, and now that I've helped myself I can help everyone else. I never forget about myself though. I would love to become a motivational speaker alongside everything else.

I love my life, it's amazing and it's all appeared through positive thinking (and a gentle nudge from my Mum). So if I, at 19 years old, can start a mini tutoring business, commence writing a series of children's books and help others to get their lives going in the right direction, anyone can do anything. I thank God and the universe every day that I didn't give up on my dreams. Thank you!


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