Saturday, January 31, 2009

Emotions create Energy leading to Action

By focusing on the positive and using the Energy Redirection Technique, Burt allowed the Law of Attraction to work for him. He made the dented fender bring to his mind, not the negative feelings of loss - but the positive feeling of wanting to earn THREE times the cost of fixing that fender.

In Burt's story above - you can see how he looked at the dent, and saw something positive out of it.

He redirected his negative thoughts into positive ones, and set a goal of earning 3 times the money needed to fix the dent.

Now, of course, with the dominating thought in Burt's mind being the goal of earning money, he allowed the Law of Attraction to bring that into his reality.

The Energy Redirection Technique is really simple.

When faced with a bad situation - think of a way to turn it into a CHALLENGE.

Apply creativity to the situation and any negative event can be turned into an exciting challenge.

Now, we're not saying you need to forget or ignore the negative event. That can sometimes be very hard to do. But by finding a challenge, a goal - something that can motivate and inspire you - you now re-allocate a large chunk of your energy away from the negative thoughts.

In other words, thoughts that would otherwise be obsessed with the negative event can now be redirected and focused on something positive.

It's beautiful and so simple! Yet once you learn this, you can free yourself from the many negative thoughts that keep you trapped in present conditions.

As Burt said...after setting his goal of earning 3 times the cost of the dented fender, every time he looked at the fender, he would motivate himself by thinking "I have to earn more money". The negative thoughts, anger at the person who made the dent, frustration at having to fork out money to fix it - were all being DIFFUSED by the positive challenge.

Here are several more examples:

Bed-Ridden in Hospital: Decide that you're going to use this free time to learn something fun, say a new language. Now you're thinking about a new skill rather than focusing on your illness.

Got Laid Off: Set a goal to find a job that pays you 25% more than your previous job. Think about this new job and stop thinking about being laid off. Start job hunting. Do not hold any negative feelings towards your boss for laying you off. Instead, think of him as having done you a favor because you're now going to find a better job.

Someone Owes You Money and Refuses to Pay Up: Forgive them. As long as you hold a grudge, you're telling the Universe that you've lost money. And indeed, you'll attract the loss. Instead, set a goal to earn twice the amount of money you've lost.

Got Dumped: Decide that you'll find a new love. Someone better suited to you. Make a list of all the qualities you'd love to see in your ideal mate. Now focus on meeting this new person.

Lost a Business Due to Bankruptcy: Decide that you're going to rebuild a new business and regain your financial freedom. Set a goal to earn 3 times what you previously had. Bonus Points: Decide that you're going to earn so much more than you'll be able to repay all your debts - even though you legally may not have to.

7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret

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